July 27, 2014

Impossible Dream Getting Even More Impossible

How sadly ironic that, not even a full year removed 
from a World Series victory, 
an occurrence such as this, normally commonplace 
in the City of Champions, 
 seems to be so rare, at Fenway, nowadays...

Alas, it's true.

And the ''Impossible Dream 2.0'' 
-the 21st Century version of the 1967 exploit- 
might actually have to wait a while 
in order to be officially re-enacted 
as the Red Sox brass 
appears to have thrown in the towel already 
on the year that was to be 
the defense of their championship...

As much as last year was a dream year, 
this year is diametrically the opposite of that...

It's getting to be so bad, now, 
(with another close loss 
relegating the defending champs 
10 games back of 1st place, 
and 7 out of a wildcard berth, 
all that with about 60 games left to go)
that new G.M. Ben 
(not a G.I. Joe type)
rather than in that of '76...

Say it isn't so, G.M. Ben! 

(Well, we don't really want to hear 
what he's got to say, right now...)

In the meantime, 
with most of the team still intact 
(thank God!) 
-no thanks to Ben- 
Red Sox Nation 
can still dream 
of the impossible indeed - 
to see the Sox make up 
this much ground 
and compete 
with the O's 
(of all teams - the O's?!?) 
and those damn Yanks 
for top spot 
in the East, 
come October...

In other news, since the All-Star break, 
the Red Sox -the only Real Sox- have only lost one 
of those guys that made it on the voting ballot 
- and,as we all know, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!
Especially when those are 
Big Papi and Pedroia! 
Speaking og Big Papi, 
Yaz himself stopped by Fenway recently 
and gave David Ortiz 
his second place spot 
on the all-time greatest hitters list 
in Boston history - 
right behind Ted Williams. 
High praise - high praise, indeed.

Not nearly as pleasant, 
were the returns of several of the 
teammates Big Papi used to have; 
the team that ''reversed the curse'' in 2004...
Many of them said such things as 
''the writing's on the wall'' 
(Kevin Millar) 
regarding the throwing of the towel 
for this very season...

Ironic to see Kevin Lowe, though; 
when the Celtics hope to have Kevin Love...
But that's another story!

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