Those who run marathons can imagine this well:
you are running in one of the most prestigious
you are running in one of the most prestigious
of all marathons worldwide; the Boston Marathon.
You're running in an historic event, the 117th such event, on historical streets.
You're running in an historic event, the 117th such event, on historical streets.
You dread not being able to make it to the finish line.
You fear running out of steam, not having the strength to complete it.
You fear running out of steam, not having the strength to complete it.
You can even imagine tripping, falling, collapsing to the pavement,
maybe hurting yourself then...
A heart attack is always feared amongst the participants -
that is what the rescue teams on site expect, as the absolute worst-case
scenario that can unfold during the marathon.
Personally, a double-losing day for the Bruins (if they play)
and the Red Sox (who usually play a daytime game on marathon day)
- maybe even a triple losing day, if the Celtics play as well -
that would usually be the pits for me, topped by the fact that
it is always a foreigner winning the Boston Marathon too,
a mere simple fact, no racism here, for it somehow mirrors the situation
when Boston teams lose to visitors, while playing at home
as the Sox usually do in April...
But this is hardly nightmare material, is it not;
today, of all days, we can admit it at long last.
A dream marathon day, with beautiful weather,
a Red Sox victory in the bottom of the ninth inning
(they who usually would lose the ballgame on marathon day)
and a competitive marathon, in which all runners are winners, in truth
- but it all became one of the darkest days ever
within a few seconds.
No nightmare scenario could possibly have matched
what happened on April 15th, 2013
ten seconds to three p.m.:
maybe hurting yourself then...
A heart attack is always feared amongst the participants -
that is what the rescue teams on site expect, as the absolute worst-case
scenario that can unfold during the marathon.
Personally, a double-losing day for the Bruins (if they play)
and the Red Sox (who usually play a daytime game on marathon day)
- maybe even a triple losing day, if the Celtics play as well -
that would usually be the pits for me, topped by the fact that
it is always a foreigner winning the Boston Marathon too,
a mere simple fact, no racism here, for it somehow mirrors the situation
when Boston teams lose to visitors, while playing at home
as the Sox usually do in April...
But this is hardly nightmare material, is it not;
today, of all days, we can admit it at long last.
A dream marathon day, with beautiful weather,
a Red Sox victory in the bottom of the ninth inning
(they who usually would lose the ballgame on marathon day)
and a competitive marathon, in which all runners are winners, in truth
- but it all became one of the darkest days ever
within a few seconds.
No nightmare scenario could possibly have matched
what happened on April 15th, 2013
ten seconds to three p.m.:
Hours after these dual explosions,
three losses of life had been confirmed:
one being an eight year-old boy.
At least 101 - that's right,
one hundred and one -
were injured by the twin blasts on Boylston Street.
Some of those people lost an arm
or a leg - there was blood on the streets,
the sort of thing not seen in Boston
since the days that the English still held
dominion over the New England colony.
Verily, this was a worse Boston Massacre
than the first, back on March 5th, 1770.
It is not because Barack Obama promised it,
while refusing to declare this a terrorist act,
but this is going to be paid for dearly.
The vile monsters who perpetrated this,
be they what they are,
must know that swift will be the justice
in their wretched case.
They've maimed innocent individuals,
they've taken the lives of three of them,
at the very least -
they had no right at all to do this.
They will pay in kind.
Boston's Finest and Homeland Security
are tracking you down -
Boston -
we pray for you.
four days later, the deed was done.
SWAT teams tracked down
two suspects,
identified as Chechen brothers
who'd been granted haven
in America years ago...
And this would be their gratitude.
There is little doubt that it is them
who planted these two bombs
made out of pressure cookers
filled to the brim with nails.
As they are being tracked down,
on April 19th, 2013,
Boston is in a complete lockdown,
No one's getting in, no one's getting out.
And everyone is advised to stay indoors.
The two suspects aren't going down
without a fight:
as any and all of Boston's opponents
won't, either.
However, in this case,
true justice has to be done.
Not without further casualties, alas:
an MIT police officer was killed
in the first of several shootouts
with the two suspects
who then fled to Watertown,
a suburb of Boston.
One of the suspects was shot
several times, too,
and has reportedly died.
(The one on the left, below;
the one identified by his
black hat.)
They are still tracking down
the youngest of the two,
the one with the white hat.
Faces in the crowd,
mingling with the Boston Marathon revellers
- and with nothing but darkness
in their hearts.
The pictures of the suspects,
with their grainy sub-par quality,
evoke images from a bad dream
- one that you can still see
once you've awaken.
Photo Credits: FBI/Reuters
Once again, here,
we'll underline the bond
between these tri-fold dream components:
Bostonian... Bulgarian... Portuguese!
Bulgarian news are on this story daily,
with regular and thorough updates,
via their BBC feed, most notably;
Portuguese news are on it too,
and for good reason:
isn't Boston mayor Thomas Menino,
Portuguese-descent, just like me?
There are numbers of Bulgarian
immigrants in Boston -
but there are many more
Portuguese immigrants there,
and a second and third generation
sired from those in Boston since their birth.
All-together, they are infinitely more numerous
and attached to the city and its history
than Chechen refugee ingrates
such as these two who visibly
brought with them their old grudges
against Moscow and Super Power countries
from the pike they came down from...
Such new arrivals should have never
been welcomed to America.
But then, there is something wrong
in America itself:
when the NRA and a great many
U.S. Senators (that have real legislative power,
unlike their namesakes north of that border)
continue to preach for no gun control
and incessantly praise that 2nd Amendment
and the rights it purports for one and all
in (or who come to) America -
even as so many atrocities take place
with unstable individuals toting firearms
and going on senseless rampages...
It's not about ''liberty'' anymore,
America... Boston...
it's about common sense.
Credits - RTP
May the rest of America
be led by Boston's common sense -
for it has worked before.
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